Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Response: Modern Midwest Prototype

Shindig: I think there are some really great concepts that will come out of this design. It would be easier to talk about if we had been able to see more of it. I think some of the illustrations may need reworked and should accompany photos when possible to keep with the more realistic, tangible designs throughout the book. I think using some of the elements seen in the photos from the blog could make the interview page really fun.

Nosh: Nosh seemed really put together. The prototype was so clean and fresh (not to sound cheesy). I agree with a lot of the comments the team made about the length of the copy being cut. I really like the breathing room that the magazine is striving for. There may be a lot of departments, but I think the entire team (publishers included) should look into making some features that really differ from the rest of the magazine. The pages look great, but they all look so similar.

Cupboard: I really like the bar and the logo, I think that that concept should be carried throughout the magazine as department heads or info boxes or something. I think there was some inconsistency with the design. I also think the font choices are great because they are so simple and so readable, but I think it needs some excitement.

Plaid Dad: I think that this magazine is struggling with the same art problems that Modern Midwest had. I like some of the options that the group cam up with for their logo. I think it can be condensed a bit more and other possibilities should be explored. Some of them looked really great. I think once art is figured out, things will seem much more personable. Adding people into the spreads could also help.

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