Oh, stumbleupon. This site has been great as I have been searching the web for the next fantastic thing to bring to you all. I can honestly say I am excited about this one and have marked it (among few others I have mentioned earlier) as a favorite. Below is an example I found from logofaves.com.
Designerslist.info is really cool. It is essentially a list of links to a crazy amount of websites that are all about design - and they're broken down into categories such as blogs, inspiration, logos, fonts, color schemes, etc. Some of the sites I have already featured like Dribbble and of course colourlovers are listed in a few of these categories. Check out some cool new resources, friends.
I love the "Visible and Invisible Design." How cool! The illustrations are great and the colors go together beautifully. The logo is neat too. I bet it was very time consuming to combine all the colors like that and create an image.
ReplyDeleteI'm excited to finally see the Travel Issue tomorrow! What a hectic week. Thanks for the compliment!