Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Critique: First Group (2) Cover Contest

(first) Cover: I really liked the photos for this competition a lot better than I the photos for the pageant story, so I chose to make two covers with photo choices. For the three different covers, I used the three different headline options. For the headline Butts, I had thought of using a photo illustration, but this photo of the girl's hand and her cigarette. I placed the headline near the butt of the cigarette because my original thought was to treat it like a label. This is the cover that was chosen for me to work on.

The other two designs:

To explain the sell line treatment on the cover with the second photo, I was thinking that if I was a "social" smoker (so, someone who didn't really consider themselves a smoker), I wouldn't want my face on the cover of a magazine engaging in a habit that I don't feel like is a huge part of my life.

The third design was based off of a facebook logo that I found online. I created the logo in Illustrator and added the cigarette. For the font, I used futura because it looked the font from the movie social network. (I had also thought about using a font that looked like facebook's.)

What's next:
My updated cover design is due in lab, so that is my current project. For class we have the logo designs coming up and, of course, the Meredith projects. I will be working on the Modern Midwest design, and I am looking forward to learning more about that publication as it develops.


  1. Erica - I really love the "butts" cover design that was chosen for you to work on. When I walked up to the table with all the cover options on it after the Vox staff meeting on Monday, that one is the one that my eyes went to first. I really love the simplicity of it, and I like that you chose a font that doesn't seem to overdramatic, but rather sophisticated. I will be interested to see how you've developed it tomorrow in lab!

  2. I enjoy the first cover very much~I always love simple design. And your No.1 cover is also the first I noticed among all on the desk. The picture is awesome. the only things I would offer a little suggestion is that maybe you can use a more powerful typo for the deck~though I really love the typo of BUTTS. And the color in the VOX box seems to weaken the impressiveness of your cover. Maybe a less obvious color can better highlight the picture . That's only what I thought, hope that helps~

  3. Great work on the smoking covers. I love the "butts" one, because I think not having a specific face in it adds to its appeal. I think often times when I see a magazine with a cover photo of a specific person, I assume the story is more about that person than the larger topic. By using the hand with the cigarette, the design is much more focused on the topic of smoking.
