Wednesday, February 2, 2011

You can't miss: and Seamless is an online gallery for designers to share projects. "Shots" (or small glimpses of designs) are uploaded to share with "spectators" and "players." Players are recruited by current members.

This site has a really interesting variety of
work. I really like the fact that the people
developing these designs can get
feedback on their work and some
publicity at the same time.

colourlover's seamless: Seamless is a program people can use to create patterns.
Users choose from a huge-mongous list of shapes and objects to manipulate the size, placement and color in a design. Users can then share their designs, tweet about them and "love" (similar to facebook's "like" function) or comment on them. Designs even receive ranks based on views and ratings.

The pattern can then be broken down into a list of colors used. (This is like the color trending I referred to earlier. Where the exact color information is listed. So, if one likes a color, one can
pull that information from this program to use in the future.)

Colourlover's blog recently highlighted a lot of
patterns created by users this past December. Many of
them were made using the "color a pattern" feature
where users can manipulate the colors of an existing
pattern. It's cool to see how different the templates
look when different color schemes are plugged in.


  1. Thanks for covering Dribbble! It seems like getting an account on there is pretty secretive; do you know how to set one up?

  2. It does seem pretty exclusive. I know that anyone can sign up to follow the site and its members, but from what I have read, designers are invited by members who already hold accounts.
