Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Critique: 30/30

I chose one of the younger subjects because I think it really hit the idea of youth who are influential. This photo struck me as an ordinary-looking kid who one would not necessarily attribute a lot of importance to. I think that most of these individuals seemed that way, so he represented the group by having some mystery as to his importance.

While I like the typography for my splash page. I really would have liked to figure out a way to make it a little more colorful and exciting. It fits with the rest of my design, but this spread has so much room to breathe that it makes the next page look really cramped.

I have never worked with so many cut outs before, and I found the photo styles to be inconsistent. When part of the subject was cut off, it made for some tricky maneuvering while designing to ensure those photos did not look odd. I used lines to create labels for each person, and to make some of the crops look more natural.

With a large number of small stories that all varied in length and style, it was really important to me to make them look as cohesive as possible. I found the copy to be the most challenging part to work with. I really like how my display text turned out and the photos, but I definitely would have liked a different organization for each story.

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