Colourlovers reviewed a branding project titled "Raw Color."
The images themselves are so great and colorful and the simplicity carries a really strong and fun message of what each shape is and represents. The brief description of the project and the reasoning behind each of their type and illustrative choices was really interesting for me to read. They wanted independent shapes that could stand alone or be paired together. It was also mentioned that they wanted it to be playful. Mission accomplished in my book. Check out the link above to see some of the placement of these shapes on products and stationery for this company.
Inventions for the lazy:
Now to be fair, many of these inventions are cool (Remember the t-shirt tea bags I covered earlier? They are mentioned.) and quirky, I am just highlighting a few that make me laugh. just lists this entry as "34 Cleverly Designed Inventions."
Here are some that I found funny:
<< A TV-tray like device for your keyboard. For those mealtimes when you just can't leave your computer. You know what I am talking about, designers.
<< A hook to dunk Oreos (or Oreo-like cookies) into milk. Keeping your fingers dry and giving you the ability to submerge the entire cookie, reducing the number of times you have to dunk.
<< A teapot holder that allows you to easily pour hot beverages without must wrist movement. And who wants to hold such heavy and possibly boiling hot objects?
I love the raw color project! That would make a great piece of wall art.