Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Critique: First Department Page with Ads

This week was the first week that I had to design with an ad. In fact, I had so little copy, that I ended up getting another ad placed on the page to take up some room.

The ads created some challenge in arranging all of the elements on the page. It took me awhile longer to really work everything out.

It didn't help that I didn't get to Vox until after 3. (Fun back story, someone used packing tape and duct tape to shut me in my room. As I didn't wake up until 12 or so, I had not noticed. It was a hot mess that I would be happy to regale you with some other time.)

*Photo courtesy of a resident who thought this was funny enough to take a picture. (But not serious enough to check if I was inside...)

**I will post my department page once I get a copy of it that I can upload.

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